Friday, December 30, 2011



First i would like to introduce myself - i'm Maria Karenina, call me maria, or karen - either one is good =]

I created this blog because of Rare job, i started Rare job three weeks ago, and so far, i have made friends - and would like to continue that friendship.

To my "students" (it's weird cause i dont really think of you guys as students =] - more of like - friends to be =] ) who has become friends of sorts - this is an update - of what im doing and stuff - and why i dont have much open slots - or maybe im gonna be traveling - or doing all sorts of stuff - just so you guys wont think that i stopped rare job or something.

A friend of mine (in Philippines) knew that i want to visit Japan - and is the 2nd on my list of countries to visit (first one is Brazil) (third one is Cuba ;P) - and she knew about this rare job thing, and she's like - why not talk to japanese people so youd know more about them, their culture and stuff before you go there - as well as earn extra and use your english (im fluent in english but learning swedish at the same time has apparently affected my english skills - - - weird....) so im like, this sounds great - doing things on my own schedule plus earning extra and learning stuff about the country i want to visit!!!

soooooooo - there - a short background.
Oh PS: i live in Sweden now... so... but i grew up in Philippines... =]

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